- 中国教育人事法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 第三十四条 国家实行教师资格、职务、聘任制度,通过考核、奖励、培养和培训,提高教师素质,加强教师队伍建设。 "Article 34 The State applies a system of qualifications
- 第三十四条国家保护残疾人福利性企业事业组织的财产所有权和经营自主权,其合法权益不受侵犯。 "Article 34 [Protection] The state shall protect the property ownership and the managerial decisionmaking power of welfare enterprises and institutions for disabled persons
- 第三十五条侮辱、殴打教师的,根据不同情况,分别给予行政处分或者行政处罚;造成损害的,责令赔偿损失;情节严重,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 "Article 35 Anyone who insults or assaults a teacher shall be given an administrative sanction or penalty depending on the different circumstances; those who have caused losses or injury shall be ordered to compensate for the losses; and if the circumstances are serious enough to constitute a crime
- 第三十五条高等学校根据自身条件,自主开展科学研究、技术开发和社会服务。 "Article 35 Institutions of higher learning independently conduct scientific research
- 第三十五条 各级人民政府和有关部门应当采取多种形式,培养和训练幼儿园、托儿所的保教人员,加强对他们的政治思想和业务教育。 "Article 35 People's governments at various levels and departments concerned shall
- 第三十五条 国务院教育行政部门或者省、自治区、直辖市人民政府教育行政部门及劳动行政部门等其他有关行政部门应当加强对中外合作办学机构的日常监督,组织或者委托社会中介组织对中外合作办学机构的办学水平和教育质量进行评估,并将评估结果向社会公布。 "Article 35 The education administrative department of the State Council or the education administrative departments
- 第三十五条 国家鼓励企业、事业组织、社会团体、其他社会组织及公民个人对职业教育捐资助学,鼓励境外的组织和个人对职业教育提供资助和捐赠。提供的资助和捐赠,必须用于职业教育。 "Article 35 The State encourages enterprises
- 第三十五条妇女的生命健康权不受侵犯。禁止溺、弃、残害女婴;禁止歧视、虐待生育女婴的妇女和不育妇女;禁止用迷信、暴力手段残害妇女;禁止虐待、遗弃老年妇女。 "Article 35. Women's right of life and health shall be inviolable. Drowning
- 第三十六条对依法提出申诉、控告、检举的教师进行打击报复的,由其所在单位或者上级机关责令改正;情节严重的,可以根据具体情况给予行政处分。 "Article 36 Anyone who retaliates against the teachers who have made complaints
- 第三十六条 中外合作办学机构应当依法建立健全财务、会计制度和资产管理制度,并按照国家有关规定设置会计账簿。 "Article 36 Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run schools shall establish and improve their financial and accounting systems as well as their assets management system in accordance with law
- 第三十六条 受教育者在入学、升学、就业等方面依法享有平等权利。 "Article 36 Educatees shall according to law enjoy equal rights in enrollment
- 第三十六条高等学校按照国家有关规定,自主开展与境外高等学校之间的科学技术文化交流与合作。 "Article 36 Institutions of higher learning independently carry out scientific
- 第三十六条 县级以上各级人民政府和有关部门应当将职业教育教师的培养和培训工作纳入教师队伍建设规划,保证职业教育教师队伍适应职业教育发展的需要。 "Article 36 People's governments at or above the couty level and the relevant departments shall incorporate the preparation and in-service training of vocational education teachers into their plans for sugmenting the teaching staff in general
- 第三十六条国家和社会鼓励、帮助残疾人参加各种文化、体育、娱乐活动,努力满足残疾人精神文化生活的需要。 "Article 36 [Responsibilities] The state and society shall encourage and assist disabled persons to participate in various forms of cultural
- 第三十六条禁止拐卖、绑架妇女;禁止收买被拐卖、绑架的妇女。 "Article 36. Abduction of and trafficking in
- 第三十七条 中外合作办学机构存续期间,所有资产由中外合作办学机构依法享有法人财产权,任何组织和个人不得侵占。 "Article 37 During the period of their existence
- 第三十七条 国务院有关部门、县级以上地方各级人民政府以及举办职业学校、职业培训机构的组织、公 民个人,应当加强职业教育生产实习基地的建设。 "Article 37 Efforts should be made by the relevant departments under the State Council
- 第三十七条 未成年人已经受完规定年限的义务教育不再升学的,政府有关部门和社会团体、企业事业组织应当根据实际情况,对他们进行职业技术培训,为他们创造劳动就业条件。 "Article 37 In respect of minors who have completed the prescribed length of schooling in terms of compulsory education and will not receive education at a higher level
- 第三十七条高等学校根据实际需要和精简、效能的原则,自主确定教学、科学研究、行政职能部门等内部组织机构的设置和人员配备; "Article 37 Institutions of higher learning independently decide on the setting up and personnel employment of such internal organizational structures as teaching
- 第三十七条教师有下列情形之一的,由所在学校、其他教育机构或者教育行政部门给予行政处分或者解聘。 "Article 37 Teachers involved in any of the following circumstances shall be given administrative sanctions or dismissed by their schools
- 第三十七条 国家、社会对符合入学条件、家庭经济困难的儿童、少年、青年,提供各种形式的资助。 "Article 37 The State and society provide financial assistance of various forms to children
- 第三十七条残疾人文化、体育、娱乐活动应当面向基层,融于社会公共文化生活,适应各类残疾人的不同特点和需要,使残疾人广泛参与。 "Article 37 [Guiding Principles] Cultural
- 第三十八条 对违法犯罪的未成年人,实行教育、感化、挽救的方针,坚持教育为主、惩罚为辅的原则。 "Article 38 In respect of delinquent minors
- 第三十八条高等学校对举办者提供的财产、国家财政性资助、受捐赠财产依法自主管理和使用。 "Article 38 Institutions of higher learning independently administer and use the property provided by the sponsor(s)
- 第三十八条 县级以上各级人民政府和有关部门应当建立、健全职业教育服务体系,加强职业教育教材的编辑、出版和发行工作。 "Article 38 People's governments at or above the county level and the relevant departments shall institute and perfect a system in the service of vocational education and improve the compilation