- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 对学生整体成绩感满意 was satisfied with her students' overall results
- 被查封 was sealed off
- 坐头等舱 was seated in the first-class cabin
- 正在寻找法律意见 was seeking a legal opinion
- 正在寻找法律意见 was seeking a legal opinion
- 在周二接到一个信封,内有恐吓信和白色粉末 was sent an envelope on Tuesday containing a threatening letter and white powder
- 被判接受精神治疗,缓刑三年 was sentenced to psychiatric treatment and three years' probation
- 被判入狱三年半 was sentenced to three and a half years in jail
- 被判入狱三年零十一个月 was sentenced to three years and 11 months' imprisonment
- 对其精密感震惊 was shocking in its sophistication
- 腹部中枪 was shot in the stomach
- 在医护人员之间传染得特别快 was spreading especially quickly among hospital staffs
- 正调查停电原因 was still investigating the cause of the power failure
- 仍没有在英语教育方面拨足够款项 was still not providing sufficient finances for English education
- 仍未透露全部真相 was still not telling the full story
- 被历史洪流淘汰 was swept away by the tide of historical inevitability
- 宣誓就任新总理 was sworn in as the new prime minister
- 由庭警带走 was taken away by court police
- 在下午十时被挟持,登上一架无人的波音七四七客机,历时两小时半 was taken hostage just after 10pm and held aboard an empty Cathay Pacific Boeing 747 for 2.5 hours
- 被护送到某处 was taken in a convoy to somewhere
- 送往东区医院检验 was taken to Eastern Hospital for a check-up
- 因以独立候选人身分参选总统而被踢出党 was thrown out of the KMT for running for president as an independent
- 在被幽禁的一个月里受尽折磨 was tortured for a month while held captive
- (车)被拖走 was towed away
- 坐商务舱 was travelling business class/was seated in business class