- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 指该次学生运动为一场很严重的政治风波 "referring to the student-led protests as ""a very serious political disturbance"""
- 重申一国两际的重要性 "reinforced the importance of ""one country, two systems"""
- 维持两岸关系不变 "retaining the ""status quo"" in the Taiwan Strait"
- 以一人一票的方式选出总统 "returning its president by ""one man, one vote"""
- 把目标价由 $5调高至$5.20 raised the target price on the stock to $5.20 from $5
- ) **rape (n)/(vt
- 使用武力制止* *resort to force in order to prevent Taiwan becoming independent
- 二千名荃湾葵芳阁的居民再度饱受停电之苦。2, 000 residents in Kwai Fong Terrace, Tsuen Wan, suffered another blackout.
- 把叫价提升超过 10% raised their asking prices by more than 10 per cent
- 收到 152宗和促销手法有关的投诉received 152 complaints about sales practices
- 经常性禁止网民进入 19,000个网站regularly denies access to more than 19,000 websites
- 整体较 2004年同期上升12.5% rose 12.5 per cent overall compared with the same period in 2004
- 填海工程将于 2007年展开,2012年完成。Reclamation works will start in 2007, with the project to be finished in 2012.
- 李泽楷仍是电盈的最大股东,但他的持股量已摊薄至大约 25%. Richard Li Tzar-kai remains PCCW's largest shareholders but his interest in the company will be diluted to about 25 per cent.
- 散户有 3%的折扣优惠,即每单位基金只须付10.51元。Retail investors will receive a 3 per cent discount, meaning they will pay $10.51 per unit.
- 转介 30宗个案予警方提出检控referred 30 cases to police for prosecution
- 增加公立医院的入院按金,由 33,000元增至45,000元raising deposits for hospital admissions from $33,000 to about $45,000 in public hospitals
- 反式脂肪酸减少 48% reducing trans-fatty acids 48%
- 将癌症复发的机会降低 50% reduces the risk of tumor recurrence 50%
- 经常接触二手烟会增加 50%患中风的机会。Regular exposure to second-hand smoke heightens the chance of a stroke by 50 per cent.
- 散户将获分配 56.5%的领汇基金单位。Retail subscribers to the Link Reit will now receive 56.5 per cent of the total offering.
- 维持「买入」评级,目标价 57.59元reiterate our buy rating with $57.59 price target
- 达到 60岁的退休年龄reaches the retirement age of 60
- 泥鱼孟 Rabbit Fish
- 狂热的红卫兵 rabid Red Guards/fanatic Red Guards
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