- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 立即封圣 """Santo subito"" (Make him a saint immediately)"
- 「此日期前食用」日期 """sell by"" date"
- 破坏「一个中国」原则 "scraping the ""one-China"" principle"
- 周二发表的一份调查指出,二零零三年底共有百分之二十三点六的青少年「双失」-失业兼失学。 "Some 23.6 per cent of young people polled in a study released on Tuesday were ""double unengaged'' - both jobless and no longer being educated - by the end of 2003."
- 部分评论员指把所有候选人放进同一个名单可能有反效果,导致「长毛」梁国雄可以胜选。 "Some observers suggest its strategy of grouping all candidates on one list could backfire and give maverick activist ""Long Hair"" Leung Kwok-hung a seat."
- 为「一国两制」敲起丧钟 "sounding the death knell for ""one country, two systems"""
- 公开表明香港不能宣传两国论 "speaking out against the promotion in Hong Kong of the ""two states theory"""
- 阻止热钱流入银行体系 "stem the flow of ""hot money"" into the banking system"
- 加强法治 "strengthening the ""rule of law"""
- 加强法治 "strengthening the ""rule of law"""
- 在「九二共识」的基础上平等协商。 "Such talks would be held on an equal footing under the ""1992 consensus""."
- 擦鞋文化 'shoe-shining' culture
- 中小企业市场* *基金额SME Export Marketing Fund
- 有些妇女即使知道丈夫出外寻花问柳,* *时依然不采取防御措施。Some wives continued to have unprotected sex even though they knew their husbands were having affairs.
- 新鸿基地产发展有限公司( 0016)Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd.
- 香格里拉(亚洲)有限公司( 0069)Shangri-La Asia Ltd.
- 信和置业有限公司( 0083)Sino Land Co. Ltd.
- 数码通电讯有限公司( 0315)SmarTone Telecommunications Holdings Ltd.
- 中国石化上海石油化工股份有限公司( 0338)Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Company Ltd.
- 上海实业控股有限公司( 0363)Shanghai Industrial Holdings Ltd.
- 四通电子技术有限公司( 0409)Stone Electronic Technology Ltd.
- 南华早报(集团)有限公司( 0583)South China Morning Post (Holdings) Ltd
- 中芯国际集成电路制造有限公司( 0981)Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation
- 中国石化仪征化纤股份有限公司( 1033)Sinopec Yizheng Chemical Fibre Company Ltd.
- 从事主户口偷取 126,900元siphon a total of $126,900 from his victim's account
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