把八所政府资助的大专院校分为研究型和教学型 streaming the eight government-funded tertiary
institutions into research or teaching entities把八所政府资助的大专院校分为研究型和教学型 streaming the eight government-funded tertiary
institutions into research or teaching entities精简程序 streamlining procedures简化内地企业来港经营的程序 streamlining the procedures for Mainland enterprises to set
up business in Hong Kong街头访问 street interviews街童 street kids街头小食档 street stands露宿者 street-sleepers尖沙咀南部的街道会由六点钟起分阶段封路。 Streets in the southern part of Tsim Sha Tsui will be
cordoned off for pedestrians in phases starting at 6pm.街道塞车 streets were clogged with vehicles加强主要官员在不同政策范畴承担的责任 strength the accountability of principal officials in
their respective policy areas加强粤港两地的商贸联系 strengthen business liaison between Hong Kong and Guangdong
加强和公众沟通 strengthen communication with the public强化社区网络 strengthen community networks加强部门间的合作 strengthen departmental co-operation加强与传媒沟通 strengthen our communication with the media强化情报搜集能力 strengthen our intelligence capabilities加强社会凝聚力 strengthen social cohesion增强免疫系统 strengthen the immune system加强与国内联系 strengthen ties with mainland海关在边境过关站加强搜查 strengthened Customs inspection at cross-border check-points
海关在边境过关站加强搜查 strengthened Customs inspection at cross-border check-points
增强身体免疫力 strengthening the body's immunity与公务员团体加强对话/加强沟通 strengther dialogue with civil servant groups猪链球菌 streptococcus suis 语际翻译 版权所有
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