配股 stock placement股东大会 stockholder meeting股评家陈永陆(陆叔) stocks commentator Lennon Chan Wing-luk香港股市昨日录得自四月来的最大跌幅。 Stocks suffered their biggest fall since April
yesterday.股价大跌,卢布亦贬值约百分之四。 Stocks tumbled and the rouble lost nearly four per cent of
its value.股票/股份 stocks/shares/equities; He decided to sell his shares in Allied
Chemicals.令舆论进一步升温 stoked fierce controversy赃物 stolen property胃 stomach石矿场 stone quarries昂船洲大桥 Stonecutters Bridge坚持现有的支线计划 stood firm on the existing proposed alignment???顶撞他们恃强凌弱的行为 stood up to their bullying顶撞他们恃强凌弱的行为 stood up to their bullying傀儡 stooges美国的走狗/美国的傀儡 stooges of the US/American stooge驼背的 stooped既防止冷气流失至隧道,也避免跳轨事件发生 stop air-conditioned air flowing into the tunnels and
people jumping on to the tracks停止做关于特首民望和政府公信力的调查 stop conducting surveys on the Chief Executive's
popularity and the Government's credibility不要对负面新闻念念不忘 stop dwelling on bad news(药物)停止脱发 stop hair loss停止民意调查 stop his polling work停止引入外地专才 stop introducing outside talent停经 stop menstruating不再尝试在其它选区扩展势力 stop seeking expansion into other districts 语际翻译 版权所有
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