留堂 stay behind after class把生产线北移,以保持竞争力 stay competitive by moving their production lines across the
border to the Pearl River Delta保持与社会上各阶层人士接触 stay in touch with all walks of life在空气污染指数极高时留在室内 stay inside when the air pollution index reaches very high
levels不参与(竞投土地) stayed on the sidelines坚定的朋友 steadfast friend在送往哥连臣角火葬场的棺木中,偷取贵重的陪葬品 stealing valuables from coffins bound for Cape
Collinson Crematorium隐形战机 stealth fighter钢架 steel frame避谈政治问题 steer well clear of political issues啤酒杯 stein干细胞研究 stem cell research干细胞 stem cells阻止北韩人涌入 stem the influx of North Koreans遏制疫情/遏制疫潮 stem the outbreak/quell the disease阻截毒品流入(本港) stemming the flow of drugs阻截毒品流入(本港) stemming the flow of drugs恶臭 stench重返政坛 step into politics again升上神台 step up and sit back全面加强合作 step up co-operation across the board和各界加强沟通 step up communication with various sectors加强消毒 step up disinfection加强监管(水质) step up monitering加强巡逻 step up patrols 语际翻译 版权所有
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