裕元工业(集团)有限公司( 0551)Yue Yuen Industrial (Holdings) Ltd.(严歌苓)开始为荷李活电影写英文剧本。 Yan began screenwriting for Hollywood in English.仁济医院 Yan Chai Hospital中国首位航天员杨利伟 Yang Liwei, China's first man in space从南韩撤出资金 yank money from South Korea盐田港 Yantian port离奇的故事 yarn靖国神社 Yasukuni shrine油麻地 Yau Ma Tei油塘 Yau Tong油尖旺区 Yau Tsim Mong油麻地小轮公司 Yaumati Ferry Company公元二千年数字问题 year 2000 problem黄瓜 Yellow Cucumber黄斑 Yellow Grouper黄点 yellow spot黄脚腊 Yellow-Finned Seabream也门(萨那) Yeman(San'a)日圆 yen, ¥环境的确艰难,但港人应和政府团结一致,以积极思想共创未来。 Yes, things are bad, but it's up to the
community working together with the government to think about the positives and to think
about how we can create a future for ourselves.然而,政制改革和经济复苏是可以同时进行的。 Yet it is hard to believe that economic recovery and
the debate over political reform cannot continue on parallel tracks.九广铁路主席杨启彦 Yeung Kai-yin, Chief Executive of the Kowloon-Canton Railway
Corporation杨贯一 Yeung Koon-yat杨森 Yeung Sum紫杉(提取紫杉素) yew 语际翻译 版权所有
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