「此日期前最佳」日期 """best before"" date"大头娃娃 """big-headed"" babies"北京将就《基本法》有关香港民主改革的重要条文进行释法,批评者忧虑此举势将冲击「一国两制」,并令一切有关普选的讨论徒劳无功。 "Beijing will
interpret key provisions in the Basic Law on Hong Kong's democratic reforms, a move
critics fear will undermine ""one country, two systems"" and pre-empt discussions on
universal suffrage."双方同意「一个中国,各自表述」 "both sides agreed there was only one China while each
maintained its own interpretation of the term ""China"""「崩牙驹」尹国驹“ "broken tooth"" Wan Kuok-koi"布殊曾把伊朗列为邪恶轴心国之一,和伊拉克及北韩并列。 "Bush has in the past named Iran as part of an
""axis of evil"" along with Iraq and North Korea."太古股份有限公司 'B' (0087)Swire Pacific Ltd. 'B'中国不排除会以武力阻止* *。Beijing had not ruled out using force to crush any attempts
by the island to declare independence.陈水扁所属的民进党和* *都同时取消昨晚的所有拉票活动。Both Mr Chen's Democratic Progressive Party and
the Kuomintang called off campaigning events scheduled for last night.北京控股有限公司( 0392)Beijing Enterprises Holdings Ltd北京大唐发电股份有限公司( 0991)Beijing Datang Power Generation Co Ltd挪用公款一千一百七十四亿元人民币 117.4billion yuan in government money was misused升破 14,000点的心理关口broke through the psychological 14,000 level法例在 2003年生效,但执法上有很大的困难。But when the legislation came into force in 2003, it
was clear that enforcement would be a big problem.中银香港(控股)有限公司( 2388)BOC Hong Kong (Holdings) Ltd.楼龄 30年或以上的楼宇buildings aged 30 years and above交通银行股份有限公司( 3328)Bank of Communications Co., Ltd.根据过往调查,公众接受急症室收费 80至120元。收费最快可于下一个月实行。Based on previous surveys, the public
will accept charges for the accident and emergency services of $80 to $120. The charge
could be imposed next month at the earliest.维他命 B1 Vitamin B1/Thiamine维他命 B12 Vitamin B12/Cobalamin维他命 B15 Vitamin B15/Pangamic Acid维他命 B17 Vitamin B17/Laetrile维他命 B2烟草酸/维他命 B3 Vitamin B3/Niacin/Nicotinic Acid班多生酸/维他命 B5泛酸Vitamin B5/Pantothenic Acid 语际翻译 版权所有
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