- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 对中国和共产党来说,团结和稳定比甚么都重要。 "Unity and stability were of ""overriding importance"" for the country and the Communist Party."
- 贯彻始终实行「一国两制」、「澳人治澳」和高度自治 "unswervingly implement the policies of ""one country, two systems"" with ""Macau people administering Macau"" and a high degree of autonomy"
- 以反恐为借口,加强打压 'used the 'war on terrorism' as a pretext for increased repression
- 按照九广铁路的计划,新支线将于 2008年年底落成,并会制造12,000个职位。Under the KCRC plan, the 17.1 km line will be completed by the end of 2008 and will create 12,000 jobs.
- 湾仔海傍会进行多达 25公顷的填海工程。Up to 25 hectares of land will be reclaimed along the Wan Chai waterfront.
- 维他命 U Vitamin U
- 美国农业部 U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA)
- 欧美公司目前正面临来自海外的高质素、低成本竞争。 U.S. and European companies are now facing high-quality, low-cost competition from overseas.
- 美国疾病管制局 U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
- 美军中央指挥部表示,士兵是在发出多次警告后才开火。 U.S. Central Command says the soldiers opened fire only after repeated warnings.
- 乌代(萨达姆长子) Uday
- 乌干达(坎帕拉) Uganda(Kampala)
- 乌克兰(基辅) Ukraine(Kiev)
- 尺骨 ulna
- 最终目标/终极目标 ultimate aim
- 最后通牒 ultimatum (n); to issue an ultimatum
- 超低硫柴油 ultra-low-sulphur diesel
- 紫外线幅射 ultra-violet radiation
- 超滤作用 ultrafiltration
- 咸蛋超人 Ultraman
- 脐动脉 umbilical artery
- 脐带 umbilical cord
- 脐静脉 umbilical vein
- 联合国行政和预算问题咨询委员会 UN Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions
- 联合国救援人员 UN relief officials
当前第1页 共12页