对中国和共产党来说,团结和稳定比甚么都重要。 "Unity and stability were of ""overriding
importance"" for the country and the Communist Party."贯彻始终实行「一国两制」、「澳人治澳」和高度自治 "unswervingly implement the policies of ""one
country, two systems"" with ""Macau people administering Macau"" and a high degree of
autonomy"以反恐为借口,加强打压 'used the 'war on terrorism' as a pretext for increased
repression按照九广铁路的计划,新支线将于 2008年年底落成,并会制造12,000个职位。Under the KCRC plan, the 17.1 km
line will be completed by the end of 2008 and will create 12,000 jobs.湾仔海傍会进行多达 25公顷的填海工程。Up to 25 hectares of land will be reclaimed along the
Wan Chai waterfront.维他命 U Vitamin U美国农业部 U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA)欧美公司目前正面临来自海外的高质素、低成本竞争。 U.S. and European companies are now facing
high-quality, low-cost competition from overseas.美国疾病管制局 U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC)美军中央指挥部表示,士兵是在发出多次警告后才开火。 U.S. Central Command says the soldiers opened
fire only after repeated warnings.乌代(萨达姆长子) Uday乌干达(坎帕拉) Uganda(Kampala)乌克兰(基辅) Ukraine(Kiev)尺骨 ulna最终目标/终极目标 ultimate aim最后通牒 ultimatum (n); to issue an ultimatum超低硫柴油 ultra-low-sulphur diesel紫外线幅射 ultra-violet radiation超滤作用 ultrafiltration咸蛋超人 Ultraman脐动脉 umbilical artery脐带 umbilical cord脐静脉 umbilical vein联合国行政和预算问题咨询委员会 UN Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary
Questions联合国救援人员 UN relief officials 语际翻译 版权所有
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