- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 更了解民间疾苦 understand more about the plight of people in society
- 明白政府正面临严重财赤 understood the government was facing a heavy budget deficit
- 明白市民诉求 understood the people's aspirations
- 实践终身学习 undertake life-long learning
- 实践终身学习 undertake life-long learning
- 海洋生物 underwater creatures
- 包销五百三十亿美元供股股份 underwrite a US$530 million rights issue
- 配股包销商 underwriter of the placement
- 不良医药广告条例 Undesirable Medical Advertisement Ordinance
- 未受阻吓的 undeterred
- 失业(形容词) unemployed/out of work (a)
- 失业率创百分之八点三的新高,楼价较高峰期下跌三分之二。 Unemployment is at a record high of 8.3% and the property market has lost two-thirds of its value since 1997.
- 失业、失业人数(名词) unemployment (u); Thousands of young people are facing long-term unemployment./Youth unemployment is over 50%./measures to help reduce/tackle unemployment/ Unemployment is still rising despite the economy recovery.
- 尚未引爆的炸弹 unexploded bombs
- 不良饮食和生活习惯 unhealthy eating and lifestyle habits
- 不健康的食品 unhealthy food
- 不卫生的(环境) unhygienic/insanitary
- 南韩统一部长郑东泳 Unification Minister Chung Dong Young
- 单方面解除联合国对伊拉克的制裁 unilaterally break UN sanctions against Iraq
- 单边改变现状 unilaterally change the status quo
- 单方面改变现状 unilaterally changes the status quo
- 没有受伤 uninjured
- 工会派刘千石昨晚以三票压倒张炳良成为民主党副主席。 Unionist Lau Chin-shek defeated Anthony Cheung Bing-leung by three votes to become Democratic Party vice-chairman last night.
- 领导大家默哀的工会领袖李卓人表示公众可以自行判断是谁浪费了时间和公帑。 Unionist Lee Cheuk-yan, who led the silent tribute, said the public could judge for themselves who should be blamed for wasting time and public money.
- 立法会昨日通过立法减薪,裁减十八万名公务员的薪金,备受广大争议。工会誓言会控告政府。 Unions have vowed to take the government to court over controversial legislation passed yesterday enforcing pay cuts for 180,000 civil servants.