- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 用户 users
- 严格施行户口制度 uses a draconian residential permit system
- 变声和用假名 using another voice and assumed name
- 为了逃避强积金供款,无所不用其技 using different tactics to avoid MPF contributions
- 用直升机掟水弹 using helicopters to drop water bombs
- 使用高科技针孔摄影机 using his high-tech pinhole camera
- 聘用越来越多合约制或兼职员工 using more staff on contract terms or on a part-time basis
- 使用公共交通工具 using public transport
- 使用活动教学 using the activity teaching approach
- 使用活动教学 using the activity teaching approach
- 使用下三流手段 using underhanded tactics
- 用不光明的手段抢走刘慧卿的选票。刘慧卿已向选举事务委员会主席胡国兴投诉。 using underhanded tactics to woo votes away from Emily Lau Wai-hing of The Frontier in New Territories East. Ms Lau said she had failed a complaint with Electoral Affairs Commission chairman Mr Justice Woo Kwok-hing.
- 通常只有夜间时才两人一组巡逻 usually patrol in pairs only on night shifts
- 侵占人民的基本权利 usurp the fundamental rights of the people
- 子宫内壁 uterine lining
- 子宫 uterus
- 紫外线指数 UV rays index
- 乌兹别克(塔什干) Uzbekistan(Tashkent)
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