- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 呼吁被绑者家属报案 urge family members to report kidnap cases
- 敦请人们不要绝望 urge people not to lose hope
- 促请某团体减价 urge somebody to cut prices
- 争取普选特首和立法会 urge the Government to implement elections for the Chief Executive and lawmakers by universal suffrage
- 促请国泰资方重返谈判桌 urged Cathay to return to the negotiating table
- 促请当地官员全力拯救人质 urged officials there to do their utmost to free them
- 呼吁学校设法减轻学童书包重量 urged schools to help cut the weight of pupils' bags
- 促请政府对在填海区兴建的楼宇,就沉降问题作全面检查 urged the Government to conduct a detailed survey of building subsidence problems on the reclaimed land
- 呼吁政府进行多些突击检查 urged the Government to launch more raids
- 呼吁他们取消杯葛行动 urged the union to withdraw the boycott plan
- 促请选民去投票 urging voters to go to the polls
- 膀胱 urinary bladder
- 尿道口 urinary meatus
- 尿液样本 urine specimen
- 泌尿科医师 urologist
- 泌尿科 Urology
- 乌拉圭(蒙特维的亚) Uruguay(Montevideo)
- 美国空军特种部队 US Air Force commandos
- 美国若然袭击阿富汗,必须确保不会误伤平民。 US attacks on Afghanistan must not lead to unnecessary civilian casualties.
- 美元汇价 US dollar exchange rates
- 美元储蓄户口 US dollar savings account
- 美国F117A隐形战机 US F-117A stealth bomber
- 美国联邦法官 US federal judge
- 联邦储备局 US Federal Reserve
- 美国联邦储备局主席格林斯潘 US Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan