「女人能顶半边天」 """women hold up half the sky"""希望循序渐进发展民主 "wanted ""gradual and orderly"" progress towards full democracy"
警告不要为中央政府添烦添乱 "warned against giving the central government ""worries and
trouble"""坚持西九采用「单一招标」模式 "was insisting on the ""single-developer"" approach in West
Kowloon"我们坚决反对「官商勾结」。 "We are resolutely against ""collusion between business and
the Government""."我们不可能接受「一国两制」模式而成为中华人民共和国的地方政府。 "We cannot possibly accept the ""one
country, two systems"" formula and become a local government of the People's Republic of
China."我们必须拒绝「一个中国」的主张。 "We must reject the ""one China"" claim."我们会继续努力确立「以民为本」的施政理念。 "We will continue with our efforts to uphlod the
vision of ""people-based"" governance."问及香港人是否爱国,李嘉诚表示大部分香港人都爱国。 "When asked whether he felt that Hongkongers were
patriotic, Mr Li said he believed ""most Hong Kong people love their country""."不介意「陪跑」 "would not mind standing ""just to accompany someone else"" in the
race"会德丰有限公司( 0020)Wheelock And Co., Ltd.出生时重 1.41公斤weighed 1.41kg at birth超额认购 1.6倍was about 2.6 times subscribed十三人注射毒针处死 13 were executed by lethal injection每天工作时间长达 13小时work up to 13 hours a day被汽枪射击 165次was shot 165 times with an air rifle于 1971年获升为政务官was promoted to administrative officer in 1971在 1974年列为法定语文was made an official language in 1974在 1974年列为法定语文was made an official language in 1974希望 2007年任期届满后告老归田would like to become a farmer when his term ends in 2007
全民普选最快可在 2008年实施。2008 was the latest date for the introduction of full
universal suffrage.《福布斯》去年发布全球富豪榜,龚如心排名 231,身家共23亿美元。Wang was named the 231st-richest person
in the world by Forbes magazine in 2004, with a net worth of US$2.3 billion.阵痛 23小时was in labour for 23 hours平均呎价 3122元were on sale at an average price of $3,122 per square feet连续工作 36小时work 36 hours straight 语际翻译 版权所有
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