- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 行政主导的制度 """executive-led"" system"
- 杜绝「利益输送」 "eliminate any ""transfer of benefits"""
- 结束慢驶行动 "ended their ''go-slow"" drive"
- 确立「以民为本」的施政理念 "establish the vision of ""people-based"" governance"
- 半年每股盈利 0.68仙。Earnings per share for the first half of the year were 0.68 cent.
- 思捷环球控股有限公司( 0330)Esprit Holdings Ltd.
- 下跌百分之 10.47,收报35.90元ended down 10.47 per cent at $35.90
- 预期于 2006年年中生效expected to come into force by mid-2006
- 七十一便利店 7-Eleven convenience stores
- 就算是保守估计,(迪士尼乐园)也可为港带来 800亿至1280亿的净收益。Even conservative estimates put the net economic benefit at between $80 billion and $128 billion.
- 维他命 E Vitamin E/Tocopherol
- 向几家报馆发电邮 e-mailed several newspapers
- 旺角地铁站 E1出口Exit E1 of the Mongkok MTR
- 鹰星增值基金 Eagle Star Accumulation Fund
- 鹰星保本基金 Eagle Star Capital Preservation Fund
- 鹰星环球增长基金 Eagle Star Global Growth Fund
- 鹰星保证基金 Eagle Star Guarantee Fund
- 鹰星港元储蓄基金 Eagle Star HK Dollar Savings Fund
- 耳 ear
- 听小骨 ear bones
- 耳膜 ear drum
- 耳壳 ear pinna
- 耳塞 ear plugs
- 拨百分之十的新股股份供散户认购 ear-marking 10 per cent of the float for small investors
- 耳鼻喉科医师 ear-nose-throat doctor/ENT doctor/otorhinolaryngologist
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