- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 亚太航空公司(直升机服务) East Asia Airlines Ltd.
- 东海 East China Sea
- 东九龙走廊 East Kowloon Corridor
- 九广东铁各车站实行配额制,维持离境人次在每小时一万二千人。? East Rail operated a ticket quota system at every station to keep travellers at 12,000 per hour.
- 东帝汶 East Timor
- 尖东 East Tsim Sha Tsui
- 东区 Eastern
- 东区法院 Eastern Court
- 东欧国家 eastern European states
- 东区海底隧道 Eastern Harbour Crossing
- 东周刊封面刊登的受虐裸照 Eastweek magazine's front-page picture of a naked and distressed actress
- 「储蓄易」服务‘ Easy Savings' service
- 壹本便利 Easyfinder
- 均衡饮食 eat a balanced diet
- 吃了足够的蔬果 eat enough fruit and vegetables
- 吃街头小吃 eat street food
- 吃得太少,身体就会减慢新陈代谢。 Eat too little, and your body ratchets down its metabolism.
- 食肆 eating establishment
- 饮食习惯 eating habits
- 吃垃圾箱里的剩饭菜 eating leftovers from bins
- 偷听别人谈话 eavesdropping on private conversations
- 伊波拉病毒 Ebola
- 松果菊(防感冒、提高免疫力) echinacea
- 重复某人的请求 echo pleas made by somebody
- 呼应内地一连串的反日示威 echoing the spate of anti-Japan protests on the mainland