- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 剪掉黄贯中在音乐颁奖典礼里的反二十三条言论 edit out rock icon Paul Wong Koon-chung's remarks opposing Article 23 legislation at a music awards ceremony
- 编辑自主 editorial independence
- 教育大众 educating the masses
- 教育界 Education
- 教育统筹局 Education and Manpower Bureau
- 教育蓝图 education blueprint
- 教育蓝图 education blueprint
- 教育统筹委员会 Education Commission
- 教育评议会 Education Convergence
- 教育署 Education Department
- 教育署宣布上午校和全日制学校停课。 Education Department announces closure of morning and all-day schools.
- 教育官员 education officials
- 教育改革 education reform
- 教育改革 education reform
- 教育制度/教育体制 education system
- 教育制度/教育体制 education system
- 教育光盘 educational CD-ROM
- 教育改革是长远政策,需循序渐进实施。 Educational reforms was a long-term undertaking and must be implemented step by step.
- 教育改革是长远政策,需循序渐进实施。 Educational reforms was a long-term undertaking and must be implemented step by step.
- 教育电视节目 educational television programmes
- 教育工作者 educators
- 白鳝 Eel
- 铁票(效应) effect of guaranteed votes
- 输出小动脉 efferent arteriole
- 董建华的肖像 effigies of Mr Tung