- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 电子出版物 electronic publications
- 电子道路收费系统 Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) system
- 电子产品商店 electronic shops
- 静电除尘器 electrostatic precipitators
- 提升党的领导力 elevate the Party's ruling power
- 高架高速公路、高架公路 elevated expressways
- 埃里安 Elian Gonzalez
- 合资格选民 eligible voters
- 去痰 eliminate phlegm
- 名校 elite school
- 精英班 elite students' class
- 精英班 elite students' class
- 长生不老药 elixir of life
- 其余地方都有明显迹象显示沙士疫潮正在降温。 Elsewhere, there were strong signs last week that the SARS epidemic was running out of steam.
- 避过(军方的)海空搜索 elude their air and sea search
- 和已婚人士发展三角恋、做第三者 embark on affairs with married men or women
- 会大刀阔斧从事改革 embark on drastic reforms
- 在七十年代开始实行经济现代化 embarked on economic modernization in the '70s
- 开始如惯常般谢票 embarked on the customary post-election thank you tour
- 令皇室尴尬 embarrassed the royal family
- 把大部分补偿金中饱私囊 embezzled much of his compensation money
- 不合法地挪用款项 embezzling
- 不合法地挪用款项 embezzling
- 为台湾宣布**壮胆 emboldening Taiwan to declare independence
- 被卷入某事的争论中 embroiled in a dispute over something