- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 平安钟 emergency alarm system
- 穿著黄色雨衣的救援人员 emergency crews in yellow rain gear
- 紧急逃生出口 emergency exits
- 紧急储油量 emergency oil stockpile
- 紧急救援基金 Emergency Relief Fund
- 新星 emerging stars
- 荣休教授 emeritus professor/professor emeritus
- 荣休教授 emeritus professor/professor emeritus
- 刘慧卿 Emily Lau Wai-hing
- 阿联酋航空 Emirates Airlines
- 特使、密使 emissary
- 汽车排出浓烟量测试 emission tests
- 幅射过高 emit high levels of radiation
- 表情符号 emoticon
- 英皇集团主席杨受成 Emperor Group chairman Albert Yeung Sau-shing
- 裕仁天皇 Emperor Hirohito
- 着重双语教学 emphasises bilingualism as the basis of its teaching
- 着重客户服务,吸引大量顾客 emphasizes customer service to bring in crowds
- 肺气肿 emphysema
- 据一项研究表示,由于越来越多雇主采用和表现挂钩的花红制度和聘用合约制或兼职员工,本地员工来年可获的加薪幅度将少于百分之三。 Employees are likely to get a pay rise of less than three per cent next year as more bosses introduce performance-linked bonuses and hire contract or part-time staff, a study has found.
- 雇员再培训局 Employees Retraining Board
- 雇员再培训计划 Employees Retraining Scheme
- 雇员补偿条例 Employees' Compensation Ordinance
- 雇主越来越怀疑大学学位的价值。 Employers are becoming suspicious of the value of degrees.
- 商人会把业务北移 employers would move their operations across the border