- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 鼓励市民登记做选民 encouraging people to register as voters/encourage voter registration
- 鼓励法庭依法严办 encouraging the courts to take a tough line with offenders
- 鼓励他们加入义工行列 encouraging them to participate in community services
- 侵略 encroachment
- 侵害学术自由 encroachment on academic freedom
- 加密 encryption
- 停止核试 end its nuclear testing programme
- 结束某人的窘境 end somebody's predicament
- 结束外交僵局 end the diplomatic stalemate
- 约满酬金 end-of-contract gratuities
- 末期肾衰竭病人 end-stage kidney failure patients
- 危害国家安全和国家利益 endangers national security and national interest
- 不再审查教科书 ended textbook censorship
- 上升百分四收四点五五元 ended up four per cent at $4.55
- 停止大幅补助农民 ending massive subsidies to farmers
- 内分泌腺 endocrine glands
- 内分泌学家 endocrinologist
- 内淋巴 endolymph
- 内窥镜 endoscope
- 储蓄保险 endowment insurance
- 养老保单、储蓄保险 endowment policy
- 每星期要工作九十小时 endure 90-hour weeks
- 长期受到父母和祖父的身心虐待 endured physical and psychological abuse from his parents and grandfather
- 长期受到父母和祖父的身心虐待 endured physical and psychological abuse from his parents and grandfather
- 善用能源 energy conservation