把公众咨询期由三个月延长至六个月 extend public consultation on the project from three
months to six months伸出和解之手 extended a conciliatory hand长戴型隐形眼镜 extended wear lens延长一般学位课程至四年 extending the usual length of degree programmes to four years
延长一般学位课程至四年 extending the usual length of degree programmes to four years
灭蚊、灭绝蚊患 exterminating mosquitoes外耳 external ear/outer ear外围经济 external economy外围因素 external factors香港的外围因素 external factors in Hong Kong外置光盘/外置光驱 external optical drives外向型经济 externally-oriented economy绝种 extinct (a)/extinction (u); Dinosaurs is extinct./in danger of
extinction将火救熄 extinguish the blaze扑熄山火 extinguished a hill fire敲诈 extortion (n)/extort (vt)/racketeering (n); To extort is to illegally
force someone to give you money by threatening them./extort money from/out of
sb/Racketeering is obtaining money dishonestly by means of a carefully planned system.
昨晚落马州和皇岗口岸都加派人手。 Extra staff were deployed last night at the Lok Ma Chau
and Huanggang checkpoints.超值早晨全餐 Extra value Breakfast超值套餐 Extra value Meal从国外引渡回国 extradition (n)/extraditable (a)/extradite (vt); an extraditable
offense/an extradition order/an extradition treaty/extradite sb to sw from sw婚外情 extramarital affairs眼 eye眼疾/眼科病 eye diseases眼药水 eye drops眼眉 eyebrow 语际翻译 版权所有
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