- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 开发可再生能源 explore sources of renewable energy
- 探索太空的奥秘 exploring the mysteries of the universe
- 爆炸品处理课 Explosive Ordnance Disposal Bureau
- 出口导向的经济体系 export-led economies
- 揭示香港食物监管制度的一大漏洞 exposed a major flaw in food surveillance programme of Hong Kong
- 揭发政府隐瞒沙士疫情 exposed the government's cover-up of the SARS epidemic
- 公开违规幼儿园的名单 exposing non-compliant kindergartens
- 踢爆 exposing wrongdoings
- 表达他的政治观点 express his political views
- 表示遗憾 express regret
- 速递公司 express-delivery company
- 表示有意在今年稍后时间到访中国 expressed a desire to visit the mainland later in the year
- 对某人深表关心和同情 expressed a high degree of concern and sympathy for somebody
- 对政府错失大表震怒 expressed anger at the blunder
- 对高官离职表示关注 expressed concerns over the departure of senior officials from the civil service
- 对判决表示失望/对裁决表示失望 expressed disappointment with the verdict/expressed regret at the judgment
- 表示后悔尝试自杀 expressed regret over her suicide bid
- 表示支持…… expressed support for something
- 对他们(的行径)表示震怒 expressed their indignation at the group
- 表示担心自己的安全 expresses fears for his safety
- 表示悔意 expressing contrition
- 要求政府听取民意/听取市民心声 expressing the need for officials to listen to the people
- 保存完好的武士宅院 exquisitely preserved samurai estates
- 继续提供一万一千个临时职位 extend more than 11,000 temporary jobs
- 延长罗湖口岸通关时间 extend opening hours at Lowu/the opening hours of the Lowu border crossing will be extended