- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 特殊收益 exceptional profit
- 选录 excerpt
- 外汇基金 Exchange Fund
- 外汇基金投资公司 Exchange Fund Investment
- 外汇基金投资公司行政总裁李陈倩文 Exchange Fund Investment's chief executive Marian Li Chan Sien-mun
- 交换情报 exchange intelligence/the sharing of intelligence
- 汇率 exchange rates
- 交换意见和信息 exchange views and information
- 王菲怀孕独家照片 exclusive picture of pregnant pop star Faye Wong
- 行政会议召集人梁振英 Exco convenor Leung Chun-ying
- 行政会议成员田北俊昨晚宣布,由于政府拒绝听取他的意见,没有押后为国安条例草案立法,故此决定退出董建华政府的执政联盟。 Executive Councillor James Tien Pei-chun last night announced that he had resigned from Tung Chee-hwa's cabinet after his calls to delay the national security bill were rejected.
- 行政会议成员梁振英 Executive Councillor Leung Chun-ying
- 汇丰银行执行董事王冬胜 executive director of Hongkong Bank Peter Wong Tung-shun
- 海协会常务副会长唐树备 executive vice-chairman of the mainland's Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait Tang Shubei
- 自我审查 exercise self-censorship
- 行使公民权利 exercise their civic rights
- 行使可换股债券 exercising the convertibles
- 行使他们的公民权利 exercising their civil rights
- 废气 exhaust gas/exhaust fumes
- 物证/证物 exhibit
- 在地球洪荒时期存在 existed on the primordial Earth
- 现有存户 existing customers
- 票站调查 exit polls
- 能为某人开脱罪名/免除责任 exonerate somebody
- 向海外发展 expand overseas