- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 扩大合作范围 expand the scope of co-operation
- 在香港扩充业务 expand their businesses in Hong Kong
- 在亚太区拓展业务 expand their businesses in the Asia-Pacific region
- 开拓大陆市场 expand their services into the mainland
- 扩阔你的社交圈子 expand your social circle
- 扩建工厂 expanded its plant
- 扩充军备 expanding military build-up
- 透过收购行动扩展业务 expansion through acquisition
- 移居国外的(人) expatriate (n)/(a); American expatriates in Paris/expatriate Britons in Spain
- 预期在第四季生意转差 expect business conditions to deteriorate in the last quarter of the year
- 孕妇 expectant mothers
- 期望民阵每年举办七一游行 expected the Front to organise July 1 demonstrations every year
- 期望新政策能带来更多生意 expected the new policy would bring more business
- 预期美息会继续上升 expects rises in US interest rates to continue
- 预期失业率会在年底前降至百分之六至六点五 expects the unemployment rate to fall to [between] 6 per cent and 6.5 per cent by the year-end
- 加速小学全日制的步伐 expedite the implementation of whole-day primary schooling
- 加速小学全日制的步伐 expedite the implementation of whole-day primary schooling
- 来年再度被冻薪 experience another year of pay freezes
- 耳鸣 experienced ringing in her ear
- 驾驶时昏昏欲睡 experiencing drowsiness while driving
- 呼气 expiration
- 爆炸 exploded/went off
- (自私地)利用法律 exploit laws
- 剥削工人 exploiting workers
- 寻求商机 explore investment opportunities