财政司司长唐英年周一表示,最近爆发的禽流感不会严重影响香港经济。 "Financial Secretary Henry Tang Ying-yen
said on Monday the economy would not be ""significantly affected"" by the recent
outbreak of avian flu."在「大市场、小政府」的管治原则下 "Following the principle of ""big market, small
government"""四大护法 "four ""legal guardians"""感到* *、作呕feel nauseous强烈* *的作家fervent anti-communist writer第一太平有限公司( 0142)First Pacific Co. Ltd.方正(香港)有限公司( 0418)Founder (Hong Kong) Ltd.跌破 1000点的重要心理关口fall through the psychologically crucial 1,000-point level
下跌百分之 11.01,收报10.50元fell 11.01 per cent to $10.50在 2001年制定新的数学课程finalise a new maths curriculum in 2001在 2001年制定新的数学课程finalise a new maths curriculum in 2001富士康国际控股有限公司( 2038)Foxconn International Holdings Ltd.数码通基本通话时间1, 400分钟的月费由838元减至788元。Fees come down from $838 to $788 for 1,400
minutes with Smartone.每手 50股,投资者最多要付5,263.30元。For a 50-share board lot, an investor will pay a
maximum price of $5,263.30.跌破 6%的心理关口falling under the psychological barrier of 6 per cent航班 814在周五从加德满都飞往新德里途中被骑劫。Flight 814 was hijacked en route from Kathmandu to
New Delhi on Friday.伪造指控 fabricated the allegations就内地官员关于公安条例的看法大造文章 fabricating reports about mainland officials' views on
the Public Order Ordinance捏造新闻 fabricating stories/make up stories脸 face面临倒闭 face collapse因疏忽职守面临纪律处分 face disciplinary action for neglecting their duties面临解雇 face dismissal遭到剥削 face exploitation面临更多抨击 face more flak 语际翻译 版权所有
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