任何人士无合理解释而没有提供呼气样本,刑罚等同酒后驾驶,有关罪名一旦成立,最高刑罚为入狱三年和停牌两年。 Failure to provide a
breath specimen without a reasonable excuse can result in three years' imprisonment and
a driving ban of two years, the same for drink-driving.宗教组织 faith groups信仰 faith; His faith helped him get through a difficult period of his life.
假货 fake goods伪钞 fake notes/counterfeit notes铝窗飞堕并不是甚么新鲜事。 Falling aluminium window frames are nothing new.跌出税网 falling outside the tax net费卢杰 Fallujah假学历 false credentials(调包、顶替、顶包)假称自己是司机 falsely representing himself as the driver/stand in as
the driver伪造出勤纪录 falsified attendance records伪造纪录,隐瞒殴打事件 falsified the records to cover up the assault伪造纪录 falsifying records伪造税务凭据 falsifying tax receipts让学生熟习考试形式 familiarising their students with the tests' formats家族企业 family concerns/family businesses/family-run organizations家庭医生 family doctor家连家精神健康教育计划 Family Link Mental Health Education Program香港家庭计划指导会(家计会) Family Planning Association of HK家庭问题 family problems家庭服务中心 Family Services Centre家庭惨剧/伦常惨剧 family tragedies名画 famous pictures粉锦公路 Fan Kam Road分流 Fan Lau 语际翻译 版权所有
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