- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 缺乏处理危机能力 failed to act quickly in a crisis
- 未能打入香港市场/未能打进香港市场 failed to crack the Hong Kong market
- 没有申报买车一事 failed to declare his purchase of a new car
- 未能息除公众疑虑 failed to dispel public concerns
- 完全没有能力去消除社会分化 failed to do anything that may heal the widening rift
- 未能进行酒精测试 failed to give a breath test
- 未能证明其食品安全 failed to guarantee the safety of its product
- 未有听从意见设定贫穷线 failed to heed calls to draw a poverty line
- 在主要有效成分含量方面未能符合世界卫生组织所定下的标准 failed to meet WHO requirements on active ingredient content
- 未有在教育方面投入更多资源 failed to put more resources into education
- 化疗后病情未有改善 failed to respond to chemotherapy treatments
- 未能维护司法独立 failed to safeguard judicial independence
- 未能维护司法独立 failed to safeguard judicial independence
- 未能在该事取得任何突破 failed to snare any breakthroughs on the issue
- 不出庭应讯 failed to turn up for her case at the court
- 不通过呼吸测试 failing a breath test
- 不符合安全标准 failing safety standards
- 低估市场反应 failing to anticipate market reaction
- 未能为年青人创造就业机会 failing to create jobs for young people
- 未有在加税前申报买车一事 failing to disclose his purchase of a new car ahead of tax increases
- 未能挑起政变 failing to inspire a coup d'etat
- 未能关注市民诉求 failing to respect people's views
- 没有服足整个疗程的药 failing to take the full course of drugs
- 没有告诉病人该药物的副作用 failing to tell the patient about possible side-effects
- 未能连任 failing to win re-election