- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 粉岭 Fanling
- 粉岭公路 Fanling Highway
- 粉岭医院 Fanling Hospital
- 远东经济评论 Far Eastern Economic Review
- 车费 fare
- 对上一次加价在九七年四月。 Fares were last raised in April 1997.
- 竹节虾 Farmed Shrimp
- 远视 farsightedness
- 太阳系边缘 farthest reached of the solar system
- 时装杂志 fashion magazine
- 时装设计工作室 fashion-design studio
- 快餐文化/即食文化 fast food culture
- 禁食、斋戒、斋戒期 fast (vi)/(n)
- 畅销消费品 fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG)
- 甘浩望神父 Father Franco Mella
- 脂肪酸 fatty acids
- 喜欢种植基因改造农作物,以确保好收成 favour genetically modified crops to ensure a good harvest
- 希望由自民党执政 favoured an LDP-led coalition at the helm of the government
- 赞成缩短投票时间 favoured shortening the polling hours
- 王菲已半退休。 Faye Wong is in semi-retirement.
- 联邦调查局 FBI
- 联邦调查局干员 FBI agent
- 畏高人士、畏高症病人 fear-of-heights patients
- 担心会减薪 feared a pay cut
- 恐防千年虫会令他们的存款化为乌有 fearing a Y2K meltdown might wipe out their savings