- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 面临政治孤立 face political isolation
- 将被遣返内地,和亲人相隔两地 face removal to the mainland and separation from their relatives
- 将被解雇 face the sack
- 因血腥屠杀而受起诉 face trial for genocide
- 面对现实 face up to reality
- 负债累累 faced heavy debts/was in heavy debt
- 有两个竞投对手 faced two bidding rivals
- 被落案起诉一项非法禁锢罪,今日在荃湾法院提堂 faces one count of false imprisonment and will appear in Tsuen Wan Court today
- 将被遣返内地 faces repatriation to the mainland
- 面部表情 facial expression
- 面部麻痹 facial nerve palsy
- 协助香港和珠三角进一步融合 facilitate Hong Kong's further integration with the Pearl River Delta region
- 改善教学成效 facilitate improvements in the effectiveness of teaching
- 改善教学成效 facilitate improvements in the effectiveness of teaching
- 在生活各方面面临适应问题 facing adjustment problems in different aspects of their lives
- 真正面对的只有两大难题 facing really just two major woes
- 承担一切基建及土地费用 factored in all infrastructure and land costs
- 粪便 faeces
- 未能通过临床测试 fail clinical trials
- 对伟哥没有反应 fail to respond to Viagra
- 未能通过酒精测试 failed a breathalyser test
- 争取居港权失败人士 failed abode claimants
- (会考)得零分 failed all subjects
- 不通过防漏和韧度测试 failed leakage and strength tests
- 主要有效成分含量不合格 failed on its active ingredient content