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潮州怒汉    """the angry man from Chiu Chow"""
采取「非友即敌」态度    "takes the attitude that ""if you are not my friend, you are my enemy"""
测试香港「高度自治」的底线    "test the bottom line of our ""high degree of autonomy"""
多得「长毛」梁国雄,传奇人物捷古华拉的名字在香港几乎无人不晓(家喻户晓)。    "Thanks to ""Long Hair"" Leung Kwok-hung, the legendary Che Guevara is almost a household name in Hong Kong."
这导致有些区议员称它们为「鸡肋」——食之无味,弃之可惜。    "That has led some councillors to dub them ""chicken ribs"" - tasteless when eaten but a pity to throw away."
中国威胁论    "the ""China threat"" theory"
铁饭碗    "the ""iron rice bowl"" - a job secured for life"
封咪事件    "the ""off-air"" incident"
一人一票原则    "the ""one man, one vote"" principle"
「污染者自付」原则    "the ""polluter pays"" principle"
自愿离职计划    "the ""voluntary exit"" programme"
反恐战争    "the ""war against terror""/""war on terror"""
那些利益是用以确保他们旗下歌手的歌曲能在流行榜上占据高位,并在颁奖礼中获奖。    "The advantages were alleged to have been offered to ensure ""that hits by certain of their singers would be given favourable positions on the billboard, and securing various musical awards granted by the broadcasting company""."
人大常委会通过「二零零七年以后」包括二零零七年,「如需修改」是指特首和立法会的产生办法可以修改,也可以不进行修改。    "The committee ruled that ""subsequent to the year 2007"" shall include the year 2007, and that the words ""if there is a need to amend"" means the methods of selecting the chief executive and Legco may or may not be amended."
委员会对事不对人。    "The committee's role is ""fact-finding"" and not targeting individuals to be held responsible."
民主党形容此举将对一国两制造成「空前灾难」。    "The Democrats described it as a ""catastrophic blow"" to ""one country two systems""."
官员重申未来的选举方法必须从实际情况出发,循序渐进。    "The officials maintained that the future electoral methods must be consistent with the principle of ""gradual and orderly progress"" and evolve in the light of the ""actual situation"" in Hong Kong."
「均衡参与」原则    "the principles of ""balanced participation"""
该份声明反对**,承认中国政府最重视的「一中原则」。    "The statement rejected Taiwanese independence by recognising Beijing's most cherished ""one-China principle""."
台海已处于「准战争」状态。    "The strait was in a state of ""quasi-war"""
犯罪集团企图利用「一楼一凤」制的法律漏动,该法律容许性工作者自行开业。    "The syndicate was attempting to exploit a loophole in the law known as the ""one woman/one apartment rule"", which allows one sex worker to work on her own."
两条条文关乎「二零零七年以后」行政长官和立法会的产生办法和    "The two articles concern the selection of the chief executive ""subsequent to the year 2007"" and the forming of the Legislative Council ""after 2007""."
他们最无资格批评特首    "they were the people ""least qualified"" to criticise Mr Tung"
对董特首很不满意的受访者人数由去年四月的百分之八上升至上个月的百分之十七。    "Those ""very dissatisfied"" with Mr Tung had surged from eight per cent in April last year to 17 per cent last month."
加强管制声称为健康食品的产品    "tighten regulations on products marketed as ""health food"""
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