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两名「护法」    "two visiting ""guardians"" of the Basic Law"
中国电信曾升至    $43.50高位,收市回落报$41.30,全日升百分之6.71. The telecommunications stock ended 6.71 per cent stronger at $41.30, down from a session high of $43.50.
台湾选民一直安于现状/想维持现状,不想搞*    *。Taiwan's voters have perennially shown their preference to continue with the status quo and not veer towards independence.
行政会议的两条重要规则    - 保密和集体负责制 - 依然保留。The two major game rules of Exco - confidentiality and collective responsibility - will still be in place.
各大银行从今日起把储蓄利率降至象征式的    0.01厘,至少没有向存户收费。The leading local banks will pay depositors a face-saving 0.01 per cent in interest on their savings accounts from today, avoiding the alternative of charging customers for keeping money in the bank.
恒指昨日上升百分之    0.49,以13,322.11收市。The Hang Seng Index gained 0.49 per cent yesterday to close at 13,322.11.
香港中华煤气有限公司(    0003)The Hong Kong and China Gas Co. Ltd.
九龙仓集团有限公司(    0004)The Wharf (Holdings) Ltd.
东亚银行有限公司(    0023)The Bank of East Asia, Ltd.
电视广播有限公司(    0511)Television Broadcasts Ltd.
创科实业有限公司(    0669)Techtronic Industries Co. Ltd.
腾讯控股有限公司(    0700)Tencent Holdings Ltd.
他们就    0708双普选的立场和策略their stance and strategy on dual universal suffrage by 2007-2008
每股时代华纳可换    1.5股新股。Time Warner shareholders will receive 1.5 shares of the new company for each of their shares.
新意网是新鸿基地产属下的科技公司,招股价定于上限的    10.38元,远比Tom.com高。Tom.com招股价为1.78元,昨日收市报12元。Sunevision, the new technology arm of Sun Hung Kai Properties, capped the initial offers at $10.38 a share, substantially higher than Tom.com's, which was initially priced at $1.78 and closed at $12 yesterday.
领汇昨日定价每单位    10.83元,是意向价格(10.51元-10.83元)的上限价。The issue was priced yesterday at $10.83 per unit, the top of the indicative price range of $10.51 to $10.83.
以基本通话时间    100分钟计,万众电话的月费由75元加至95元。The rate for 100 minutes of talk time has gone up from $75 to $95 at Peoples Phone.
董建华一人共委任    102名区议员,全港市民则直选400名。Tung appoints up to 102 members of the District Councils, while voters choose 400.
新股每股上限价为    103元。The issue will carry a maximum price of $103 a share.
直选议席由    10席增加至12席。The number of directly elected seats increased from 10 to 12.
马会是香港的最大单一纳税者,所纳税项占去年总税收的    11.5%. The HKJC is the city's largest single taxpayer, accounting for 11.5% of total tax revenue last year.
中学及以上教育程度的人才将短缺    116,900人there will be a shortage of 116,900 jobs requiring education levels of secondary and above???
(在柜员机)输入密码    123456 tapped in the numbers 123456
(在柜员机)输入密码    123456 tapped in the numbers 123456
调查访问了    128家公司。The survey covered 128 companies last year.
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