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恒生指数升百分之一点七九,收报    12,801.48点,创两年半新高。The Hang Seng Index added 1.79 per cent to a 2-1/2-year high of 12,801.48.
下试    13,600点支持位test the 13,600 support level
涉及负资产的未偿还贷款金额亦下跌,由    1550亿元下跌至1070亿元。The amount of mortgage loans to negative equity cases is also down - from $155 billion to $107 billion.
该些无证儿童可获豁免每月    1650元至1980元的学费。The mainland children will be exempted from school fees of between $1,650 and $1,980 a month.
医院管理局周四证实,已有    165名港人染上非典型肺炎,其中六人死亡。The number of people in Hong Kong who have contracted the atypical pneumonia virus has reached 165 - and six people have now died, the Hospital Authority said on Thursday.
「支持立法保障国家安全大联盟」称有四万人参加集会,比预期的一万多三倍。警方则估计有    16,000人参加集会。集会人士来自1,500个团体。The Hong Kong Coalition for National Security Legislation said 40,000 people from 1,500 groups showed up at the rally, four times higher than the 10,000 expected. Police put the figure at 16,000.
民建联动员    176人参选,胜出率为百分之47.2. The DAB had a success rate of 47.2 per cent for its 176 candidates.
明年共有    17,400个新单位落成。The new flat supply next year is expected to be 17,400.
香港首个试管婴儿于    1985年诞生。The city's first test-tube baby was born in 1985.
香港的生活指数自    1998年以来下降了15%. The cost of living in Hong Kong had fallen by about 15 per cent since 1998.
政府在    2002及2003年暂停卖地,导致楼宇供应量减少。The decline in home supply is the result of the suspension of public land sales in 2002 and 2003.
此项服务计划于    2004年12月首度推出,并于3月18日再度推出。This service plan was first launched in October 2004 and we relaunched it on 18 March.
政府正就    2007年的选举安排作出咨询。The government is in the midst of consultations for the electoral arrangements for 2007.
消息来源透露,倘若中国和香港政府落实兴建大桥,大桥可在    2010年建成,并于七至八年内回本。The sources said the proposed bridge, which could be finished by 2010 if it is approved by the mainland and SAR governments, could recover investment seven or eight years after completion.
日本日经    225指数Tokyo Nikkei-225 Index
该批股票占电盈已发行股本的    24.93%. The shares represent 24.93 per cent of PCCW's issued share capital.
新意网每手五百股,连经纪费在内,买一手要5,    242元。The lowest order for Sunevision is 500 shares at $5,242, including broker fees.
该个政策至今已导致    26间小学杀校。The policy has forced 26 primary schools to close so far
上个月最少有    28宗铝窗下坠意外。There were at least 28 cases of falling frames last month.
恒生指数下跌    309点或百分之2.74,地产股和银行股首当其冲。The Hang Seng Index shed 309 points, or 2.74 per cent, with property and banking stocks bearing the brunt.
居屋供应量在九七至九八年度达最高峰,共有    31,030个单位。The annual supply of HOS flats peaked at 31,030 in 1997/1998.
将会开创三万二千个临时职位纾缓失业问题。    32,000 temporary jobs would be created to relieve the unemployment problem.
该计划包括向香港教育学院削资    33%. The plan involves a 33 per cent cut in funding for the Hong Kong Institute of Education.
今年的    33,800名考生是首批受(母语教学)政策影响的考生。The 33,800 exam candidates this year were the first batch to be affected by the policy.
今年的    33,800名考生是首批受(母语教学)政策影响的考生。The 33,800 exam candidates this year were the first batch to be affected by the policy.
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