- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 淘大花园一住户称他「厚颜* "*」he was called ""shameless"" by one family at Amoy Gardens"
- 亚洲的 "H5N1禽流感病毒很可能是下次疫潮的起因。The Asian H5N1 strain of the virus was ""certainly the most likely one that will cause the next pandemic."
- 处决了十六名「重犯」 "has executed 16 ""serious criminals"""
- 用「人肉打桩机」方式把他(陆志伟)倒头撞地。 "He was beaten against the ground ""like human pounding machine""."
- 他表示实施合并时会「先礼后兵」 "he would be a ""gentleman first and a soldier later"" in its implementation"
- 他表示实施合并时会「先礼后兵」 "he would be a ""gentleman first and a soldier later"" in its implementation"
- 在「九二共识」下和内地对话 "hold talks with the mainland on the basis of the ""1992 consensus"""
- 港人治港是以爱国者为主体的港人治理香港。 "Hong Kong should be governed by Hong Kong people, with patriots as the main body./""Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong"" means Hong Kong being governed by Hong Kong people, with patriots as the main body."
- 希望见到中台会在「一个中国」原则下和平统一 "hoped to see peaceful reunification of the country under the principle of ""one China"""
- 希望到巴格达做人盾 "hoping to offer themselves as ""human shields"" in Baghdad"
- 扣除开支后他每月赚 $14,000. He makes about $14,000 a month after expenses.
- 港府实时终止与他尚有一年的合约。黄河生将失去九十万元酬金,但会获得一个月薪金作为代通知金,为数 $162,650. His contract, which had a year to run, was terminated immediately. He will lose a $900,000 gratuity, but will be paid one month's salary, $162,650, in lieu of notice.
- 汇丰控股有限公司( 0005)HSBC Holdings plc
- 香港电灯集团有限公司( 0006)Hongkong Electric Holdings Ltd.
- 恒隆集团有限公司( 0010)Hang Lung Development Co. Ltd.
- 恒生银行有限公司( 0011)(0011)Hang Seng Bank Ltd.
- 恒基兆业地产有限公司( 0012)Henderson Land Development Co. Ltd.
- 和记黄埔有限公司( 0013)Hutchison Whampoa Ltd.
- 希慎兴业有限公司( 0014)Hysan Development Co. Ltd.
- 香港上海大酒店有限公司( 0045)Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels, Ltd.
- 合和实业有限公司( 0054)Hopewell Holdings Ltd.
- 恒基兆业发展有限公司( 0097)Henderson Investment Ltd.
- 锦兴集团有限公司( 0275)Hanny Holdings Ltd.
- 香港交易及结算所有限公司( 0388)(0388)Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Ltd.
- 合和公路基建有限公司( 0737)Hopewell Highway Infrastructure Ltd.
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