- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 发现没有鸡只带有 H5病毒抗体found no chickens carrying H5 virus antibodies???
- 已知感染 H9N2人数the number of known H9N2 cases
- 人身保护令、出庭令 habeas corpus
- 人身保护令、出庭令 habeas corpus
- 烟民 habitual smoker
- 机上有三百名乘客和十五名机员 had 300 passengers and 15 crew on board
- 有七成五皮肤烧伤 had 75 per cent burns
- 受过大学教育 had a college education
- 不满意自己 had a distorted self-image
- 根据英国食品标准局的指引,(它们)含很多盐 had a high sodium content according to Britain's Food Standards Agency
- 有长期病患纪录 had a history of chronic illness/suffered from a history of chronic diseases
- 和丈夫有联名户口 had a joint account with her husband
- 有学习障碍 had a learning disability
- 患病期间曾切除一腿 had a leg amputated in his struggle against the disease
- 累积了大量经验 had accumulated lots of experience
- 已获发签证 had already received their visas
- 一直愿意和商界沟通 had always been willing to communicate with the business sector
- 和大企业有不道德的商业交易 had amoral business dealings with big business
- 有鉴赏优秀艺术作品的眼光 had an eye for good art
- 做脚部手术 had an operation on my leg
- 向中央政府分析政党政治的重要性 had analysed the importance of party politics to the central government
- 身上约有七万元现金 had approximately $70000 on him
- 对性事变得较为开放 had become more liberal in sexual matters
- 积极在新界东展开选举活动 had been actively campaigning for election in New Territories East
- 已经住院三年 had been bedridden in hospital for three years