

拒绝承认谋杀罪,但承认指控较轻的误杀罪    had denied murder but admitted the lesser charge of manslaughter
死于日本空袭    had died in a Japanese bomb raid
曾小产两次    had earlier had two miscarriages
有足够证据采取民事诉讼起诉非法下载人士    had enough evidence to take civil action against illegal downloaders
不举    had erectile problem
过期三个月以上    had expired by more than three months
向郑耀宗表示对民调不满    had expressed dismay about the polls to Professor Cheng
未有透过已有机制通知香港政府    had failed to notify the Hong Kong government through the established mechanism
对银行的准备工作有信心    had faith in the bank's preparedness
曾上堂时睡着    had fallen asleep in class
有财政困难    had financial difficulties
清盘    had gone into liquidation
和中国政府关系良好    had good connections with Beijing
十分保留    had grave reservations
心中有鬼    had guilty consciences
已对政治感厌倦/想放弃从政    had had enough of politics
没有需要在最后关头告急以保议席    had had no need to make his crisis call for last-minute support to save his Legco seat
回乡证被没收    had her home return permit seized/confiscated
获减刑三分一    had his prison term cut by a third
财产被充公    had his property confiscated
被上诉庭增加六年刑期    had his sentence increased by six years in the Court of Appeal
坚持政府总部要在下午六时前清场    had insisted that the government headquarters be cleared by 6pm
在一九八零年代末期地摆脱了极权统治,令人振奋    had inspiringly shed authoritarian rule in the late 1980s
刚和另一竞争对手达成十七亿美元的合并案    had just successfully negotiated a $1.7 billion merger deal with another rival
对审计处报告提出司法复核    had launched a legal challenge to the director of audit's findings
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