增加了营商成本 had raised the cost of doing business收到死亡恐吓 had received death threats过去五年只曾加薪一次 had received just one pay rise in the past five years在过去数周收到很多恐吓 had received many threats in past weeks已看完所有最新的韩剧 had seen all the latest South Korean soaps挟持数名人质 had seized several hostages脚上联了几针 had several stitches in his leg已联署要求弹劾(总统) had signed a petition endorsing impeachment在石油开采和生产技术方面有优势 had some advantages in its oil exploration and production
technologies有眼疾 had some trouble with his eyes曾多次寻求社工及警方协助 had sought help from social workers and the police numerous
times已爆发/扩散到社区 had spread to the wider community/was now afflicting people
outside the territory's hospitals只读到中二 had studied only to the second year of secondary school出价都很吸引 had submitted very competitive bids持续发烧及咳嗽 had suffered persistent fever and cough曾想过自杀 had suicidal thoughts(某地区)灾情最严重 had sustained the heaviest damage突然转弯,避开另一位正在横过马路的长者 had swerved to avoid another elderly pedestrian
crossing the road有抑郁症病征 had symptoms of depression对香港的政党政治抱负面态度 had taken a negative attitude towards party politics in Hong
Kong在非常友好和开诚布公的气氛下进行 had taken place in an exceedingly cordial and open
atmosphere食错食物 had taken some wrong food以胶纸封嘴 had their mouths taped shut余生终年都要服食药物 had to be on medication for the rest of my life要由消防员救出 had to be rescued by firemen/had to be freed by firefighters 语际翻译 版权所有
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