- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 已落成但未发售 had been built but not put on the market
- 被埋在瓦砾下 had been buried in debris
- 受到恐吓 had been criminally intimidated
- 尸体被发现时他已死去(一段时间) had been dead for (a period) before his body was discovered
- 被列为危险楼宇 had been declared a safety hazard
- 被欺骗和摆布 had been duped and manipulated
- 一度被认为是局长的接班人 had been expected to step up to the commissioner's job
- 找工作已三个月 had been job hunting for three months
- 选举前的民议调查一度显示他得票率落后 had been lagging in pre-election polls
- (小孩)意外发生时独留家中 had been left home alone at the time of the accident
- 被引诱参加一项供款计划 had been lured into joining a plan
- 被迫进行性行为 had been pressured into unwanted sex
- 不少朋友连日来鼓励她出来参选 had been receiving a continuous stream of entreaties from friends for her to stand
- 因为国籍而不被雇用 had been refused a job due to their nationality
- 警诫后获释 had been released after a verbal warning
- 石油一向自给自足 had been self-sufficient in oil
- 被公安判处劳教半年 had been sentenced by the police to six months of re-education through labour
- 租住单位时被房东拒绝 had been turned away by landlords when trying to rent flats
- 已开始接受化疗 had begun radiotherapy treatment
- 曾把内购单位上限设定为三成 had capped internal sales at 30 per cent of the total units being sold
- 曾测试街市售卖的淡水鱼 had carried out tests on freshwater fish sold in the market
- 已透过多方面咨询,听取公众的评论与意见 had consulted widely and listened to public comments and opinions
- 破坏一国两制及司法独立 had damaged judicial independence and the SAR's autonomy
- 债务缠身 had debts
- 决定不参与七月的选举 had decided not to run in the July election