- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 双失青年 """double unengaged"" young people/young people who were jobless and were not receiving an education"
- 民建联主席马力表示该党自区议会选举以来都认为「选情严峻」,当时亲政府议员大败而回。 "DAB chairman Ma Lik said the party had regarded its election prospects as ""rather critical"" since November's district council elections, in which the pro-government candidates suffered a heavy defeat."
- 放弃以「还政于民」为七一游行的主题 "drop ""return power to the people"" as a theme for the July 1 march"
- 放低「非友即敌」的态度 "drops his ""with us or against us"" posture"
- 「老好人」 'decent old man'
- 不懂得怎样* *did not know how to have sex
- 投资* *署署长卢维思Director-General of Investment Promotion Mr Michael Rowse
- 骏威汽车有限公司( 0203)Denway Motors Ltd.
- 没有违反基本法第 100条does not breach Article 100 of the Basic Law
- (前)一二三民主联盟 123 Democratic Alliance
- 预计 2005年完成due for completion at the end of 2005
- 《2046》有一场激烈的床上戏,一丝不挂的梁朝伟和章子怡有诱人的缠绵镜头。 2046 does have one vigorous bedroom encounter, with the nude Leung and Zhang Ziyi attractively entangled.
- 公布中期业绩,令人失望,盈利仅上升百分之 7.68至四亿九千三百四十万元declared a disappointing interim result with profit up only 7.68 per cent to HK$493.4 million
- 维他命 D Vitamin D/Calciferol/Ergosterol
- 大新银行 Dah Sing Bank, Ltd.
- 日戴型隐形眼镜 daily wear lens
- 发日薪的 daily-paid???
- 达赖喇嘛 Dalai Lama
- 达拉斯 Dallas
- 损害了中国的国际地位 damage China's international standing
- 损害香港的国际声誉 damage Hong Kong's international reputation
- 打击某人士气 damage the morale of somebody
- 破坏国家形象 damage the nation's image
- 破坏国家的国际形象 damaged his country's international image
- 破坏香港在国际上的声誉 damaged Hong Kong's international reputation
当前第1页 共31页