- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 日常营运 day-to-day operations
- 公司的日常业务/日常运作 day-to-day operations of the business
- 大亚湾核电厂 Daya Bay nuclear plant
- 事实上的 de facto (a)/(ad); The general took de facto control of the country./He continued to rule the country de facto.
- 处理香港问题 dealing with Hong Kong issues
- 学院院长、系主任、训导长、教务长 dean
- 学院院长、系主任、训导长、教务长 dean
- 死囚的牢房 death row
- 崩溃、大失败 debacle
- 贬抑 debase
- 讨论时事 debate of topical issues
- 辩论对财政司司长梁锦松的不信任动议 debates a no-confidence motion on Financial Secretary Antony Leung Kam-chung
- (穿梭机)碎片 debris
- 收数佬/追债的人 debt collectors
- 还债能力 debt payback ability
- 因欠债十万元,走上自杀和谋杀不归路。 Debts of $100,000 had driven them to the murder-suicide.
- 无咖啡因的 decaffeinated/caffeine free
- 德干高原 Deccan
- 决定下一部行动 decide on the next course of action
- 决定不报警 decided not to report it to police
- 决定(跨区)转往港岛区参选 decided to switch to the Hong Kong Island constituency
- 大量毁灭 decimate(vt); The rabbit population was decimated by the disease.
- 宣布和谈破裂 declare the peace process dead
- 来港时申报健康状况 declare their health status when they arrive in Hong Kong
- 派发末期息一角 declared a final dividend of 10 HK cents