- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 在室内抽湿 dehumidify indoor air
- 延迟饥饿感 delay hunger pangs
- 救人延误 delay in saving casualties
- 延迟加息 delay interest-rate rises
- 延迟售楼 delay sales of their projects
- 未有及时进行剖腹取子手术 delaying a Caesarean section on a mother
- 代表团 delegation
- 德里 Delhi
- 议而不决 deliberation without decision
- 被除牌的股票 delisted stocks
- 生孩子 deliver babies
- 发表胜利演说 deliver his victory address
- 向乌克兰人民兑现承诺 deliver on his promises to the Ukrainian public
- 强烈警告某人 delivered a blunt warning to somebody
- 强烈抗议 delivered a strongly worded protest
- 宣读支持宣言 delivered a supportive statement
- 发表辞职声明 delivered his resignation statement
- 派传单 delivered pamphlets
- 发表讲话 delivering a speech
- 发表国情咨文 delivers his State of the Union address
- 送货队 delivery team
- 达美航空公司 Delta Airlines
- 要求二百镑赎金 demand a ransom of £200
- 要求政府采取行动 demand government action
- 争取小班教学 demand smaller school classes/demand smaller class sizes