争取小班教学 demand smaller school classes/demand smaller class sizes要求某人下台 demand somebody resignation要求中国撤除对准台湾的近五百枚飞弹 demand that China dismantle almost 500 missiles it has
aimed at Taiwan要求更大的减幅 demanded a greater deduction要求警方对其行动作出解释 demanded an explanation from the police for their actions要求刘梦雄立即撤回指控 demanded an immediate retraction of th allegations made by Lew
Mon-hung要求陈水扁下台 demanded Mr Chen be ousted要求党主席李登辉立即辞职 demanded Mr Lee's immediate resignation from the chairmanship
要求采取迅速行动 demanded swift action要求政府在所有中小学实行小班教学 demanded that the government implement small-class
teaching for all primary and secondary schools要求政府在所有中小学实行小班教学 demanded that the government implement small-class
teaching for all primary and secondary schools要求获发身分证 demanded to be issued with identity cards要求有普选时间表 demanding a timetable for universal suffrage要求更高质素的服务 demanding higher standards of service要求立即重新点票,确保不会有人在选票做手脚/造票 demanding that an immediate recount must be held
as this was the only way to ensure the ballot papers were not tampered with要求普选下任行政长官 demanding the election of the next chief executive by universal
suffrage要求加快香港民主进程/民主步伐 demanding the speedy introduction of full democracy for
Hong Kong低估中国人的能力 demeaned the ability of Chinese痴呆 dementia照顾痴呆症患者补助金 Dementia Supplement痴呆 dementia (u)非军事区 Demilitarized Zone民主发展 democracy development民主有助经济发展。 Democracy promotes economic growth.民主建港协进联盟、民建联 Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong
Kong 语际翻译 版权所有
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