「教宗万岁!」 "Viva il Papa! or ""Long live the Pope!"""誓言公投议题不会涉及「统独」 "vowed that any referendum would not touch on ""independence
or reunification"""她对于沙士后出现 "V形反弹感到惊喜,因为业界一般认为不会复苏得这么快。She said it was surprising that there
had been a ""V-shaped"" rebound after the Sars outbreak, because the industry did not
expect such a rapid recovery."伟易达集团有限公司( 0303)Vtech Holdings Ltd.国浩集团有限公司(0053)Guoco Group Ltd.投票率为百分之 43.6,有一百三十三万名选民投票。Voter turnout came out to be 43.6 per cent, with
1.33 million registered voters casting their ballots.疫苗研究还在试验阶段。 Vaccine programs are still in the experimental stages.阴道 vagina任内的最后报告、告别报告 valedictory report华伦西亚 Valencia(Spain)缬草(安眠) valerian安定 Valium安定 Valium惠旅航空 Valuair增值税 value added tax重视民意 value public opinion注重新闻自由 value the freedom of the press增值服务 value-added services物有所值的铁路支线服务 value-for-money railway extension services梵谷 Van Gogh钒 Vanadium抗万古霉素肠道链球菌 vancomycin resistant enterococci (VRE)??温哥华 Vancouver恶意破坏 vandalise毁坏汽车和商店 vandalised cars and shops破坏文化遗产的人 vandals 语际翻译 版权所有
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