- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 洞烛先机 visionary
- 亲自到火场视察 visit the scene of the fire
- 召妓 visited a prostitute
- 到北京游学 visiting Beijing on a study tour
- 自由行 visiting Hong Kong for sightseeing in individual capacity/individual visits
- 持双程证来港 visiting on two-way permits/arrived on a two-way permit
- 访问学人 visiting scholar
- 旅客人数 visitor arrivals
- 三月中至四月中期间来港旅客人数下跌三分之一。 Visitor arrivals dropped by one-third between mid-March and mid-April.
- 旅游设施 visitor facilities
- 旅游宣传刊物 visitor literature
- 没有宽频的网友下载该软件时或会相当费时。 Visitors to the site whose work-station does not have broadband services installed may find the download very slow.
- 肺活量 vital capacity
- 维他命丸 vitamin pills
- 玻璃状体 vitreous humour
- 利用假资料美化 Vivendi的帐目used false information to make Vivendi's accounts look better than they were
- 声带 vocal cord
- 职业教育 vocational training
- 职业教育 vocational training
- 职业训练局 Vocational Training Council
- 伏特加 vodka
- 时尚、流行的 vogue
- 语音计算机 voice computer
- 表示有信心纷争会逐步平息 voiced confidence the disputes were heading towards resolution
- 对事件表示遗憾 voiced regret over the incident