- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 同样担心 voiced similar concerns
- 提出三点关注 voiced three concerns
- 表明支持美国传统的一个中国政策 voicing support for America's traditional one-China policy
- 挥发性有机化合物 volatile organic compounds
- 一齐发射的 volleys of
- 义务社会服务 voluntary community work
- 自愿提早退休计划 voluntary early retirement package
- 义工 voluntary workers
- 志愿团体 volunteer organisations
- 自愿到沙士病房工作/自愿照料沙士病人 volunteered to work in the Sars wards
- 自愿参与圣战 volunteering for the jihad
- 呕吐 vomit
- 在吐血 vomiting blood
- 否决某事 vote down something
- 下届立法会选举投民主派议员一票 vote for the pro-democracy camp in the next Legco elections
- 投票支持民主派等同投票支持普选 vote for the pro-democracy camp is tantamount to voting for universial suffrage
- 按中央政府意愿投票 vote in accordance with the central government's wishes
- 投票决定是否独立 vote on whether to secede
- 买票 vote-buying
- 点票人员 vote-counters
- 造票 vote-rigging
- 民意调查显示,程介南丑闻曝光后,市民对各大政党的信任度下降。 Voters have become more sceptical about major political parties since the Gary Cheng Kai-nam scandal broke, according to a poll.
- 选民从媒体上得知陈伟业势危, 反应迅速,把选票都投向他,从而分薄了李永达的票。 Voters have responded swiftly to media reports that Albert Chan Wai-yip was vulnerable and passed their votes to him, thereby diluting the votes of Lee Wing-tat.
- 选民说谢伟俊和白韵琴为沉闷的选战增添不少色彩。今次补选相对九月时的选举较为沉闷。 Voters said the pair had brightened up a rather mundane campaign compared to the full Legco poll in September.
- 选民会倾向投票给民进党。 Voters would tend towards voting for the Democratic Progressive Party