手帕、手巾仔、纸巾 handkerchief处理英国的外交事务 handle Britain's foreign affairs处理感情问题 handling love-related problems处理简单家务 handling of simple household chores处理禽流感事件 handling the bird flu outbreaks由特首指定继任人选 handpicked by the Chief Executive免提 hands-free免提装置 hands-free device免提耳机 hands-free earpiece or headset手提电话/手机 handsets坑口 Hang Hau恒隆地产主席陈启宗 Hang Lung Properties chairman Ronnie Chan Chi-chung尽力保留客户 hang on to their customers恒生银行 Hang Seng Bank Ltd.恒生国企指数 Hang Seng China Enterprise Index恒指成分股 Hang Seng Index stocks恒生伦敦参考指数 Hang Seng London Reference Index用电线上吊自尽 hanged himself with electric wire抓着权力不放、独揽大权 hanging on to power把身子伸出窗外待救 hanging out of a window waiting to be rescued开心乐园餐 Happy Meal哈尔滨 Harbin包庇警员 harboured the guilt of the police officers窝藏恐布分子 harbouring terrorists硬着陆 hard landing 语际翻译 版权所有
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