持强硬立场的人/死硬派 hardliners逆境 hardship影响市民信心 harm public confidence垄断市场,打压同业,损害消费者利益 harmed consumers by exploiting its market dominance to
crush competition损害立法会形象 harming the Legislative Council's image和谐社会 harmonious society哈里波特 Harry Potter哈里波特与烈火酒杯 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire哈佛报告 Harvard Report得到民众认同 harvest public sympathy内置具无线上网功能的天线 has a built-in antenna for wireless networking capabilities
有商界背景 has a business background很喜欢文学 has a high appreciation for literature市值超过三十亿美元,今年第一季盈利达三亿三千万美元 has a market cap of over $3 billion and reported
$330 million in revenue in the first quarter of this year市值约一千六百四十亿美元 has a market value of about US$164 billion中等身材 has a medium build中等身材 has a medium build智力等同两岁小孩 has a mental age of two对政治冷感 has a sense of political helplessness不少三十来岁的男性着迷(此玩意) has a strong following among men in their 30s指受到内地的不人道对待 has accused the mainland of inhumane treatment最近再度增持股票 has again increased his holdings in the company recently股价已自高位下跌百分之九十二 has already seen its share price plummet more than 92 per
cent from its peak已封锁两国的边境 has also closed its main border crossing between the two nations
宫外孕 has an ectopic pregnancy 语际翻译 版权所有
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