具域外法律效力 has an extra-territorial effect报读中大医学院 has applied to the medical school at Chinese University托台湾第二大反对党领袖宋楚瑜向北京传话 has asked the leader of the island's second-largest
opposition party, James Soong Chu-yu, to relay a message to Beijing引来环保团体和建筑界人士大量反对声音 has attracted a flood of opposition from green groups
and architects成为全中国最共产主义的地方 has become the most communist place in China是由来已久的问题 has been a long-standing problem廉署拘捕怀疑从事高利贷的 has been arrested by the ICAC on suspicion of loansharking
涉嫌和淋镪水一案有关而被捕 has been arrested in connection with an acid attack重建大澳成为旅游区计划近月引起争论 has been at the controversy in recent months over plans
to develop it into a tourist centre藏毒罪名成立 has been convicted of drug possession决心铲除世界各地的恐怖主义,坚定不移 has been determined to keep his commitment to eliminate
global terrorism被拒参与是项计划 has been deterred from joining the scheme经诊断后发现患上前列线癌 has been diagnosed with prostate cancer从狱中释放 has been freeed from jail得到联合国审定的难民资格 has been granted refugee status by the U.N.自三岁起就经常入院 has been in and out of hospitals since he was three自从贾伯斯九七年回巢,(苹果计算机)不断创新,业绩反弹 has been innovating and rebounding since Job's
return in 1997正在和星加坡电讯商讨合并事宜 has been negotiating with Singapore Telecommunications over
a possible merge(足协杯)已经两季没有在香港直播 has been off the screens in Hong Kong for two seasons被证实会导致实验室的老鼠患癌 has been shown to cause cancer in lab rats对纳米科技寄予厚望 has big hopes for nanotechnology近年竞争激烈,致使市场占有率下降 has bled market share in recent years due to intense
competition有居英权 has British residency要求实时进行内部调查 has called for an immediate internal investigation已明显分化社会 has clearly divided the community 语际翻译 版权所有
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