已度过最艰难时期,明年情况将会好转 has passed the most difficult period and could see a
turnaround this year???承诺会继续和雇主对话 has pledged to continue the dialogue with employers已承诺来年会咨询公众 has promised public consultation next year受到很多西方国家谴责 has provoked condemnation from many Western countries全力支持亲政府候选人 has pulled out all the stops in supporting pro-government
candidates进一步推动台湾自决 has pushed self-determination for Taiwan still further令宋楚瑜民望下降 has put a dent in public support for Mr Soong令人忧虑再有释法 has raised fears that another interpretation of the Basic Law is
in the offing令人忧虑再有释法 has raised fears that another interpretation of the Basic Law is
in the offing收到恐吓信 has received a threatening letter拒绝辞去立法会议员职位 has refused to resign from Legislative Council手脚已经恢复有限度的动作和感觉 has regained a limited degree of movement and sensation in
his hands and feet重获自由 has regained his freedom(对某事)有保留 has reservation已得到立法会支持 has secured the Legislative Council's support派心理医生辅导师生 has sent psychiatrists to counsel teachers and pupils令业界震撼 has sent shockwaves through the industry大发脾气 has severe temper tantrum自此以后在政府里步步高升 has since worked his way up the bureaucratic ladder有严重鼻鼾声 has snoring problems对台湾问题的立场软化 has softened its cross-strait stance上特殊教育班 has special-education classed出任高官长达二十年 has spent 20 years in top government posts停止提供粮食援助 has suspended food aid已着手修订全国户口制度 has taken steps to revise the nationwide residence permit
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