有一年宽限期 have a year's grace每年做直肠检查 have a yearly rectal exam有四百二十员工,本地和内陆各占一半 have about 420 staff divided equally between Hong Kong
and mainland绝对拥有编辑自主权 have absolute editorial independence已配备更精良的武器 have acquired more sophisticated weapons全都成为负资产业主 have all been sucked into the negative equity pit已于上月的区议会选举中表达对政府的不满 have already voiced their discontent with the
government in last month's district council elections亦保证会给予港台编辑自由/编辑自主 have also given assurances of our editorial independence
进行每年一次的身体检查 have an annual physical examination对政治反感 have an aversion to politics验眼 have an eye exam对明年总统大选有影响 have an impact on next year's presidential election罹患不治之症、身患绝症 have an incurable disorder家里有上网 have an Internet connection at home有石油危机 have an oil-security problem令听众不安 have an unsettling effect on the audiences希望提高地积比率 have asked for higher plot ratios招收到一万一千名新信徒 have attracted 11,000 new adherents避免与教会正面冲突 have avoided a head-on clash with the clergy成为无数珍贵的动植物品种的家园 have become home to numerous rare species of plants and
animals已经成为城中热门话题 have become the talk of the town多年来最为人所关注/诟病的问题 have been a perennial concern for many years被派往别区中学 have been allotted schools outside their districts不准上学 have been barred from attending school几乎绝种 have been driven nearly to extinction 语际翻译 版权所有
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