加深民怨 have deepened public grievances against the administration烧炭致死 have died after burning charcoal无法排尿 have difficulty initiating a stream of urine已尽全力打击恐怖主义 have done the maximum in the fight against terrorism做了很少的准备工作 have done very little preparatory work搁置加价计划 have dropped plans to increase monthly fees阅读拼音字母时有阅读障碍问题 have dyslexic problems in reading the phonetic alphabets
有地区工作经验 have experience in district work未能通过英文评核试/未达标 have failed to reach the required standard已经流亡国外 have fled into exile违反政府指引 have flouted government guidelines违反政府指引 have flouted government guidelines与民同乐 have fun with the citizens令他树敌甚众 have gained him plenty of enemies对民众影响甚大 have great influence on people对董特首不满 have grievances about Mr Tung和内地官员私下会面 have had private meetings with mainland officials已被诊断出有心理问题 have had psychological problems diagnosed取消休假 have had their leave cancelled与某人有高度联系 have high-level links with somebody已增加人手加快检疫运往香港的盆栽 have increased their manpower to speed up clearance
procedures for potted plants supplied to Hong Kong有安装铝窗 have installed windows with aluminium frames没有足够安全使用资料 have insufficient safety information长久以来享有低于市值水平的租金 have long enjoyed below-market rents送院时血糖过低 have low blood sugar levels when he was admitted to hospital 语际翻译 版权所有
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